Saturday, July 11, 2009

4th of July

So we had an interesting 4th of July! It started out great with a fun trip to Fairview to do some camping with our friends Nathan & Angela. We did a little camp fire cooking and snacking. Then the girls stayed and chatted while the boys went down the trail to do some knife throwing. It was a great morning and we had a great time. Then we decided to head out and go to Provo to watch some fireworks. Well the spot we picked was up on the mountain side and it happpen to be very windy. Well to make a long story short the sagebrush and pollen + wind + pregnancy allergies = major swelling. I ended up getting a piece of a weed blown into my eye and my eye swelled up closed :( We ended up having to leave right as the fireworks started and missed them :( At least we got to enjoy the first half!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

thats sucky, sorry about the fireworks.